A True Easter Peace

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you! Just as the Father has sent me, I am also sending you.” (John 20:21)

As the disciples gathered in that upper room with the doors locked, afraid that the Jewish leaders might come after them next, Jesus miraculously joined them in the upper room. This terrified them even more. How could Jesus be alive when they had seen him die? But Jesus assured them that he was most certainly alive. He was not just a ghost or apparition. This wasn’t some cruel trick to lure them out.

He gave them peace, true peace. He was alive. They had nothing to be afraid of. They didn’t have to fear the Jewish leaders. They didn’t have to lock themselves in a room so that no one could find them. Instead, they were to be going out and spreading the good news. They were to proclaim forgiveness of sins to everyone.

We also don’t have to be afraid. This world may look like it has done away with Jesus. It may appear that there is no hope in this world for those who follow Jesus, but Jesus is not dead. He is very much alive. and he sends us out to proclaim the truth to this hurting and dying world. We don’t have to be afraid of what the world can do to us, because our risen and living savior, Jesus is alive and controls all things for our good. Amen.

The song for today is “He’s Alive” by Don Fancisco

He's Alive

Trinity Lutheran