Come And See!
Nathanael said to him, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” “Come and see!” Philip told him. (John 1:46)
Nathanael had studied the Scriptures. He knew the promises that God had made concerning the Messiah. So when Philip told him that the Messiah was Jesus of Nazareth, Nathanael questioned it. He was skeptical that Jesus could be the Messiah.
Philip’s response to Nathanael’s question was perfect, “Come and See.” Philip didn’t try to convince Nathanael. He didn’t argue with him about it. He didn’t get mad at Nathanael for questioning him. He simply invited Nathanael to see it for himself. He allowed Jesus himself to convince Nathanael that he was the Messiah. He gave Nathanael an opportunity to experience the Word at work in him. And Nathanael was not disappointed. He saw the Messiah face to face and experienced Jesus’ divine power.
When others ask us about our faith, it is sometimes easy to be defensive or try to rationalize it. Depending on who’s asking and how they ask, we try to come up with our own answer to their questions. And yet, often, the best answer is the one that Philip gave. Rather than trying to explain our faith or defend it, we can show them. We can take them to the Word of God, to see how God answers their questions. We can invite them to church, to hear how God takes care of their needs, especially their need for forgiveness. God has promised us that he works through his Word. Therefore, the best method of convincing someone is to let them see God work in them through his Word. Amen.
Our song for today is “Come And See” by Connection Music