Confidence From God
This Weeks Announcements and Events
Lent continues this Wednesday with services at 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm. There will be a meal served at 5:30 pm.
Council will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 pm.
The choir will be practicing for Easter in place of Sunday School as Dawn is available over the next few weeks. If you would like to be involved with the choir piece (either singing or speaking), please join us for a rehearsal following service by the piano on those Sundays.
Prayer Requests for this Week:
Ted Johnson – health issues
Sarah Sauer – health issues
Mike Knicker – health issues
Evie Schroeder – Recovering from stroke
Amy Pauers
Mel Murray – Health Issues
Walt Zimmerman – Health Issues
Brianna (Mike and Alexis Wolosz’ granddaughter) – dealing with health issue
Bill ( a friend of Chris Taylor) – On a ventilator
Linda Fry – Pancreatic Cancer
Shawn Taylor – Recovering from surgery
Ginger Bigalke – Recovering from heart surgery
Margaret Finney – health Issues
On Our Calendar this week
Tuesday March 8
10 am – BIC
6:30 pm – Council Meeting
Wednesday March 9
2:30 pm – Lenten Service
5:30 pm – Meal
6:30 pm –Lenten Service
Sunday March 13
9:30 am – Worship
11 am –Sunday School
Today the Lord will hand you over to me. I will strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines to the birds of the air and to the wild animals of the earth. Then all the earth will know that there is a God in Israel, and all those gathered here will know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear, for the battle belongs to the Lord, and he will deliver you into our hand.” (1 Samuel 17:46–47)
As David faced Goliath, he did so with confidence. Goliath was a champion fighter. He had been fighting since he was a young man. David had only fought the lion and the bear, never a man that was nine and a half feet tall. And yet, David had confidence that he would defeat Goliath.
David’s confidence did not come from his ability to fight or his great skill as a fighter. David’s confidence came from God. God was the one who had rescued David as he fought the bear and the lion to rescue his father’s sheep. Goliath had defied that same God, and David was confident that God would give him the victory.
We have our own Goliath. He is Satan or the devil. He taunts us and defies God. He tempts us to defy God as well. And he has been doing this since the beginning of time. He is a champion at deceiving people. He is a champion at deceiving us. He has had thousands of years of experience.
Yet we can be confident that we too will win, not because of ourselves but because of God. In fact, he has already given us the victory. By sending Jesus to obey God’s will perfectly and die an innocent death, Satan has been defeated. He has been crushed as God promised to Adam and Eve. We do not need to fear what Satan can do to us because we know that he has already been defeated, and that victory has been given to those who place their trust in God. Amen.
The song for today is “In Christ Alone” by Brian Littrell