Moses, Humble Servant of God
(Now the man Moses was very humble, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.) (Numbers 12:3)
Among conservative Christians, it is generally accepted that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch. Today’s verse seems to be a very ironic and conflicting statement then. If Moses wrote the book of Numbers, then it would be exactly the opposite of humble to write that Moses was more humble than anyone on the face of the earth. But we also have to remember that the Holy Spirit inspired Moses to write these books. Therefore, it is not Moses tooting his own horn, but rather God commending Moses for being a humble servant.
When God called Moses to lead his people, Moses came up with many excuses as to why he shouldn’t lead God’s people. But God chose Moses to lead. When the people rebelled against God, Moses asked God to relent from destroying them, and setting up Moses’ family as his people. Moses even prayed for his sister after God disciplined her for complaining about Moses. It seemed that Moses cared for God’s people more than his own personal gain.
Those who lead in the church can take notes from Moses. God has called them to lead his people. But sin is always present, even in God’s people. There will be complaining and angry people within the church and throughout the communities that the church serves. Thank God that Church leadership isn’t about the glory or the recognition. It’s about serving God and advancing the gospel. Therefore, we can humbly serve as leaders, even in the face of those who want to oppose us. Amen.
The song for today is “Song of Moses” by Aaron Keyes