Promises Given, Promises Fulfilled
This Weeks Announcements and Events
Christmas VBS will be on December 11 from 9 am to noon. It is open to children ages 3 to 12. We will end with a birthday party for Jesus. Registration is now open at
Advent services begin this week. Service will be on Wednesday at 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm. A meal will be provided at 5:30 pm with a free-will donation going to help the youth group.
Prayer Requests for this Week:
Ted Johnson – health issues
Sarah Sauer – health issues
Mike Knicker – health issues
Evie Schroeder – Recovering from stroke
Amy Pauers
Dan Kelley – health issues
Mel Murray – Fractured Vertebrae
On Our Calendar this week
Sunday November 28
9:30 am – Worship with Communion
11 am – Church Decorating
Wednesday December 1
2:30 pm – Advent Service
4:15 pm – Confirmation (test)
5:30 pm – Advent Supper
6:30 pm – Advent Service
Sunday December 5
9:30 am – Worship
11 am –Sunday School
Listen, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfill the good promises that I have spoken to the house of Israel and concerning the house of Judah. (Jeremiah 33:14)
God had been making promises to his people from the fall into sin. To Adam and Eve, he promised to send an offspring that would crush the serpent’s head. He promised Abraham that he would make his descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Throughout the years, God promised his people that he would rescue them. Through Jeremiah, God made many promises to his people as well. He promised them that they would be taken into captivity because of their idol worship. He also promised them that their captivity would not last forever. He would return them to the land that they had called their own.
But God’s promises went beyond just the physical nation of Israel. Many of God’s promises extended to all of humanity or all who believe in him. Yes, God did bring the people of Judah and Israel back from their exile in Babylon, but he also sent his Son to rescue his people from their captivity by Satan and sin. Jesus humbled himself and gave up the full use of his divine power and glory to take on human flesh and die.
Through his death, he brought righteousness to those who believe in him. By his resurrection and ascension, he now rules all things for the good of his people. And he is coming back to take us to be with him for all eternity. These are the good promises that God has made to us, that he has fulfilled and will fulfill because of his love for us. Amen.
The song for today is “Our God Keeps His Promises” by Concordia Publishing House