Righteousness and Salvation Are Eternal

This Weeks Announcements and Events:

  • Please bring any Best Choice labels that you have been collecting to church in the next few weeks. They are due by the end of the year, and we do not yet have enough labels to send in.

  • The teen group is hoping to attend the Youth Rally this summer in Knoxville, TN. If you would like to help defer the cost of going to the youth rally, please consider donating to our Youth Group Fund.

  • Christmas decorating will follow service next Sunday, November 28.

  • Thanksgiving Service will be on Thursday at 10 am. A meal will follow at 11:30 am. Please join us for those.

  • Advent Services will begin on Wednesday, December 1. There will be a 2:30 pm and a 6:30 pm service with a meal served at 5:30 pm. Free will offerings will be accepted in the kitchen and will go to the youth group.

  • There is a new cleaning signup on the bulletin board in the kitchen at church. Please consider signing up to help keep our church clean.

Prayer Requests for this Week:

Ted Johnson – health issues

Sarah Sauer – health issues

Mike Knicker – health issues

Evie Schroeder – Recovering from stroke

Amy Pauers

Dan Kelley – health issues

Mel Murray – Fractured Vertebrae

On Our Calendar this week

Sunday November 21

9:30 am – Worship

11 am – Sunday School

Wednesday November 24

4:15 pm – Confirmation (test) (Postponed)

Thursday November 25

10 am – Thanksgiving Service

11:30 am - Thanksgiving Feast

Sunday November 28

9:30 am – Worship

11 am – Church Decorating

Lift up your eyes to the heavens. Look closely at the earth beneath, because the heavens will vanish like smoke, and the earth will wear out like a garment, and its inhabitants will die like gnats. But my salvation will remain forever, and my righteousness will never be abolished. (Isaiah 51:6)

When you listen to people talk about the earth being millions and billions of years old, and compare that with the existence of men, it seems as though the earth and the heavens are imperishable, immortal. People have perceived that the earth has been around forever, and it will continue to exist forever. but God tells us that the heavens and the earth will not last forever. They will wear out like clothes and vanish like smoke. The heavens and the earth will go the same way as all people do. They will perish.

For many people that sounds scary. The only existence that they have ever known will cease to exist. And they don’t want to be around to see it happen. They don’t want to face the reality that death occurs for all of creation, including the earth.

Even though the earth and the heavens will pass away, God gives his people comfort. He promises that his righteousness and salvation will never pass away. When the heavens and the earth pass away, God continues to keep us righteous through the salvation that he has given to us through Jesus, our king. On the day when heaven and earth pass away, God will confirm those who believe in him in their righteousness, never to perish again. Amen.

The song for today is “Home” by Chris Tomlin

Chris Tomlin - Home

Trinity Lutheran