The Double Edged Sword of Healing

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to the point of dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, even being able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

We all feel guilt. As children, we feel guilt when we have done what our parents have told us not to do. As we grow up, we begin to understand that we also sin when we don’t do something that we are supposed to do as well, and we feel guilty when don’t do what we are supposed to do.

Guilt is a result of sin. It is that feeling that comes when we know that we have sinned. And how do we deal with our guilt? Many people try to forget about their guilt and put it behind them. They dull their consciences by telling themselves that what they are doing is ok.

But when we study God’s Word, we find that we are guilty in more ways than we can count. And no matter how hard we try to do away with that feeling of guilt, we see another way that we have sinned against God. And his Word pierces our heart, telling us that we deserve an eternity in hell.

But it also is living and active. It soothes the wounds that it creates. It takes care of that guilt that we feel for sinning against God. It assures us that our sins have been paid for. We are free and clear before God. In his eyes, we have done everything perfectly because Jesus has done everything perfectly. It turns our hearts from an enemy of God to a child of God. And it never ceases to be relevant for us. That love and compassion that God has shown to us never grows old. It never becomes outdated. His mercies are new every morning. God’s Word is eternal and always looking to bring us the comfort that God has given to his people. Amen.

The song for today is “The Word Is Alive” by Casting Crowns

The Word Is Alive

Trinity Lutheran