Tuesday August 18, 2020
So [Elijah] did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook. (1 Kings 17:5–6)
Elijah had to pronounce some hard news to King Ahab. Because of Ahab’s wickedness, there was not going to be rain or anything to water the crops in Israel unless Elijah told it to rain. That kind of a drought would hurt the people of Israel severely. It would also affect Elijah, but Elijah told Ahab anyway.
God had a plan to provide for Elijah. He told Elijah to go to the Kerith Ravine, where a brook ran. Elijah trusted that the Lord would provide for him there and he obeyed the Lord. The Lord provided for Elijah by sending ravens to feed him.
God doesn’t tell us when times are going to be tough, but we still trust him to provide for us. He doesn’t send ravens to feed us, he sends sunshine and rain to grow the things that we need to eat. He provides the meat that we eat. Sometimes, he sends tough times so that we learn to trust him. Maybe we need to turn back to him, like Ahab did. Maybe he wants us to be a witness to someone else by showing our trust in him.
Next time you go grocery shopping or you open your fridge to see what food you have to eat, Thank God for providing for you. When you fall on hard times, trust that God will provide for you. Amen.
Our song for today is “Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus” by Alan Jackson.