Turn To The One Who Is Constant
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68–69)
So many times, Jesus questioned the faith of the disciples. So many times the disciples doubted who Jesus was, and the power that he had. So many times, they relied on their own knowledge, rather than on the one who knew all things. So many times, they demonstrated their weak or lacking faith.
But there are times when the disciples demonstrated that they understood who Jesus was and what his purpose was. They demonstrated their faith in Jesus. And often, the one speaking the words is Simon Peter. The same Simon Peter who denied knowing Jesus on the night that he was betrayed.
When many other disciples turned away because they could not accept that Jesus was the bread of life, the only one through whom life comes, Jesus asked his twelve disciples if they too were going to turn away from him. And Peter, full of faith, confessed that Jesus is the only one through whom life is given.
Just like the disciples, we may have times when our faith is strong and times when our faith is weak. We may doubt that God is in control, or that he is watching over us, or that he will provide for us. We may have times when we want to tell everyone about the God who loves us and gives us eternal life. But no matter what, Jesus remains the same. He is the bread of life through whom we have salvation. He is the one who gave up his life so that we could have eternal life. He is the Holy One of God, who came to pay for the sins of the world. That never changes.
When our faith is weak and we doubt that God loves us, may we remember Peter’s answer. When we want to tell everyone what Jesus has done for them, may we show them what Peter and the disciples came to know and believe. May we constantly be reminded that Jesus gives us the words of eternal life. He gives us life and salvation through his body and blood given for us. Amen.
The song for today is “Lord to Whom Shall We Go” by Michael Joncas