Well Done Good And Faithful One

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matthew 25:21)

We all have someone that we try to please. We do the things that we think will make them happy. Maybe it’s your parents, or your spouse, or a good friend. You try to act the way that they want you to act because you don’t want them to be upset with you. Maybe, it’s even yourself. You set expectations for yourself and you become disappointed when you don’t live up to those expectations.

God has expectations for us too. He wants us to be holy and perfect. He wants us to be like him because that’s how he created us. And whether people acknowledge it or not, we have been created to please God. It is a part of every human being. Each one of us has a conscience that tells us when we have done what God expects of us and when we have done what disappoints him. It tells us when we have sinned and are no longer perfect and holy.

But Jesus has made us perfect and holy. He did what God expected and was perfect and holy. And he gave up his life to make us perfect and holy. He has made us pleasing to God. and now he asks that we be faithful with the things that he gives us: our time, our talents, our treasure, and most importantly the Truth- his Word. He asks us to share the good news that we have been made pleasing to God. He wants all people to share in their master’s happiness.

One day, we will all hear Jesus proclaim, “Well done, good and faithful servant! ... Come and share your master’s happiness!” Let us continue to be faithful with all that he has given us until that day. Amen.

Our song for today is “Well Done” by The Afters

The Afters - Well Done

Trinity Lutheran