God's Glory Reflected

This Weeks Announcements and Events

  • Pastor will be placing the order for new hymnals on Tuesday. If you have not already signed up for a hymnal, and would like one please call Pastor at church or on his cellphone.

  • There is also a sign up in the entry way for those who would like to take the Strengthfinders assessment. Please sign up so that we can ensure you receive a code for the assessment.

  • Lent begins this Wednesday with Ash Wednesday services at 2:30 pm and 6:30 pm. There will be a meal served at 5:30 pm.

Prayer Requests for this Week:

Ted Johnson – health issues

Sarah Sauer – health issues

Mike Knicker – health issues

Evie Schroeder – Recovering from stroke

Amy Pauers

Mel Murray – Health Issues

Walt Zimmerman – Health Issues

Brianna (Mike and Alexis Wolosz’ granddaughter) – dealing with health issue

Bill ( a friend of Chris Taylor) – On a ventilator

Linda Fry – Pancreatic Cancer

Shawn Taylor – Recovering from surgery

Ginger Bigalke – Recovering from heart surgery

Margaret Finney – health Issues

On Our Calendar this week

Tuesday March 1

10 am – BIC

Wednesday March 2

2:30 pm – Ash Wednesday Service

4:30 pm – Confirmation

5:30 pm – Meal

6:30 pm – Ash Wednesday Service

Sunday March 6

9:30 am – Worship

11 am –Sunday School

Whenever the people of Israel saw Moses’ face, they would see that the skin of Moses’ face was shining. Then Moses would put the veil on his face again, until he went in to speak with the Lord again. (Exodus 34:35)

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai the second time, he held in his hands the stone tablets that contained the Ten Commandments. When Moses came down from the mountain the first time, he found the people worshipping a golden calf that they had crafted into an idol because they had lost faith in Moses as God’s representative. Moses threw the stone tablets on the ground and smashed them. But this time, when Moses came down the mountain, God reaffirmed that Moses was, in fact, his representative. Moses’ face reflected God’s glory. From then on, Moses would veil his face unless he was speaking to God or speaking God’s Word to the people.

Paul tells us that this account points us to the account of the transfiguration. For in this account of Moses’ face shining with God’s glory, we see a foreshadow of Jesus’ glory revealed on the Mount of Transfiguration. When the people of Israel saw Moses’ shining face, they were again reminded of God’s glory and his majesty. They saw God’s glory secondhand. But in Jesus, we see God’s glory first hand. We see God himself come down to earth to take our place and fulfill the law. We hear Jesus speak the very word of God to us and tell us that we have been redeemed, forgiven in his willing sacrifice. In Jesus, we see the righteous God trade places with filthy sinners like us, so that we might be righteous through him. Amen.

The song for today is “Show Me Your Face” by Steffany Gretzinger

Steffany Gretzinger - Show Me Your Face (Official Lyric Video)

Trinity Lutheran