Words To Live By
He said with a loud voice: Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the sky, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water. (Revelation 14:7)
As the angel that John saw, flew in the middle of the sky and proclaimed the gospel, the good news that Jesus has paid for our sins, he also spoke instructions in a loud voice. Those instructions go two ways. For those who believed the gospel, they were words of comfort and peace. But for those who do not believe, they are words of condemnation and destruction.
They are words of destruction and condemnation for those who do not believe because of their sins. God is a holy and perfect God, who requires perfection from us. But no one is perfect and because of that, we should be afraid of God’s holy wrath. Without faith, God pronounces the judgment of “guilty” and condemns those who do not believe to an eternity in hell.
But for those who believe the gospel, who put their faith in Jesus, these words are words of comfort and peace because they tell us of a God who loves us. They assure us that God has pronounced us “not guilty.” Therefore, we can give God glory and worship him. We do not have to worry about the day when every knee will bow and acknowledge that God is Lord over all the earth. Those who believe can face that day with confidence, knowing that they will spend eternity with God in heaven because of Jesus. Amen.
The song for today is “To God Be The Glory (All For You)” by Caleb + Kelsey