A Double Measure of Comfort

Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak to the heart of Jerusalem and call out to her. Her warfare really is over. Her guilt is fully paid for. Yes, she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. (Isaiah 40:1–2)

Everyone is looking for comfort of some kind. They want peace in their lives, but some of them think that they will find that by bringing unrest and torment to others. They think that they’ll be liked and accepted by picking on someone else, and that will bring them peace and happiness.

Isaiah tells us where our peace and comfort really comes from. It doesn’t come from this world or anything in it. Instead, it comes from our God. He comforts us. He brings us peace.

Our sins tormented us. The guilt for our sins brought us anything but peace. When we were under the control of our sinful nature, we were at war with God. We were his enemies.

But God has done away with our sins. He has nailed them to Jesus’ cross. Our warfare with God is now over. Guilt no longer torments us because it has been paid for. In fact, God says that he has given us a double measure of forgiveness and peace for our sins. And on the day that we die, our warfare with our sinful nature will be completely over. We have already won the war. And our battles will be over. This is the comfort that we have in Christ. Amen.

Our song for today is “Comfort, Comfort All My People” by Koine

Comfort, Comfort All My People - Christian Song with Lyrics

Trinity Lutheran