Jesus, The Root of Jesse's Tree - Preview

He reasoned that God also had the ability to raise him from the dead, and in a figurative sense, Abraham did receive him back from the dead. (Hebrews 11:19)

Once again, this afternoon and evening, we will gather around the Word of God to look back at Jesus’ place in Jesse’s tree. This week, we’ll look at Jesus as the Root of Jesse’s Tree. We’ll study the account of Abraham’s testing from the Lord.

After God gave Abraham and Sarah a son, Issac, God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on an altar. God tested Abraham to see if he was willing to sacrifice the son that was promised to him, the son through whom God promised to send the savior. The writer to the Hebrews indicates that Abraham followed through to the point that God stopped him because Abraham believed that God could do anything. God could raise Isaac from the dead, if that was the ways things had to go.

While God stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, there is a picture of the Christ here. And not only in the ram that took Isaac’s place on the altar. Jesus also was a Son of the promise. He was God’s promised Son. He is God’s only Son, born of a miracle. When the time came, God offered his Son as a sacrifice. God followed through and sacrificed his Son for his people. He sacrificed his Son, so that his children might be cleansed of their sin. He sacrificed Jesus, so that you might be cleansed of your sins.

And then God raised Jesus from the dead. As Abraham believed it was possible, God truly did raise Jesus, so that we might also be raised from the dead one day. While Isaac was brought back from the dead in a figurative manner, Abraham already having sacrificed him in his heart, so Jesus was raised from the dead in a physical manner, to return to heaven and rule all things for his people. To rule all things for you. Amen.

Join us today at 2:30pm or at 6:30 pm for a midweek advent service. There will be NO supper before service but the fellowship hall is open for your family to use should you need a place to eat tonight.

Our song for today is “God of the Promise” By Elevation Worship

God of the Promise | Live | Elevation Worship

Trinity Lutheran