Don't Forget!

But guard yourselves and guard your whole being diligently, so that you do not forget the things that your eyes have seen and so that those things do not disappear from your heart all the rest of the days of your life. Make them known to your children and to your children’s children. (Deuteronomy 4:9)

I don’t know how many times someone has told me something followed by, “Don’t forget” and I still forgot. Sometimes, I will have this feeling that I am forgetting something but I cannot figure out what it is. When it comes to events and such, I can be very forgetful. It upsets me sometimes how forgetful I can be.

As Moses’ ministry came to an end, he prepared the people of Israel to enter the Promised Land. One of the things that he did was to remind the people of all the commands that the Lord had given to them. And he warned them not to forget. Yet in Isaiah 1, we hear that the people had forgotten. They had not forgotten the sacrifices, but they had forgotten what their forefathers had seen and what the purpose of their worship was. They had forgotten the Lord. They had forgotten their neighbor. And God called them out for it.

Have we been diligent in guarding ourselves and our whole being so that we do not forget the Lord? I know that there are times when I haven’t. I have looked after my own interests. I have let my sinful nature guide me. I have put the Lord last in my life. I have forgotten all the things that God has done for me.

But when I remembered and sought God’s forgiveness, I know that it was already there. He has forgiven me for all the times that I have forgotten him and looked out for myself. He forsook his Son, Jesus, for every time I forget him. Jesus was punished for the times when I place myself above God. He has given me that forgiveness that does not leave me. He has promised me that it is always and continuously mine. Praise God for all this that he has done for us. Amen.

Our song for today is “My Song is Love Unknown” by Koine

My Song is Love Unknown

Trinity Lutheran