Amazing Love - God Came Down.
You did amazing things that we did not expect. You came down. Mountains quaked because of your presence. (Isaiah 64:3)
This past Sunday marked the beginning of Advent, that time that we take before Christmas to prepare for our Savior’s birth as well as his return on the Last Day.
When God came down and spoke to his people in the desert, they were so afraid that God had to speak to the people through Moses. When Isaiah was called by God to be his prophet, Isaiah was terrified. Whenever God came down in all his glory, he terrified people.
Sinful people should be terrified when they come into God’s presence. He is a holy God who demands perfection from his people. And we have not been perfect. So we should be destroyed in God’s presence.
But God didn’t destroy us when he came down. And he won’t destroy us when he comes down from heaven again. Instead, he does amazing things when he comes down. He saved us from our sin when he came down. He destroyed the very thing that makes us unable to stand in God’s presence. He destroyed sin and death. Now, when he comes down again, he will not destroy us but take us to live with him in perfection for eternity. These are the amazing things that God did when he came down. Let us thank him for his amazing love to us. Amen.
Our song for today is “Love Came Down to Bethlehem” by Matt Maher