Friday September 11, 2020 - Hope in All Circumstances
I will bow down towards your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stout-hearted. (Psalm 138:2–3)
19 Years ago. It is hard to believe that 19 years ago was one of the most tragic days not only for America but for the world. I don’t remember much about that day but I remember sitting in front of the TV, watching the news. September 11, 2001 is a day that changed the world. It made us reevaluate what we put our trust in.
As we once again remember the events of that day, as Christians, we turn to our God and thank him. We thank him for who he is. We praise him because he has exalted his name and his word above all things. We worship him because he has been faithful and loving to us. He has forgiven our sins and made us his children.
At a time when our nation was hurting, God was there. Many churches around the world prayed to God for strength and healing. They prayed for those who lost loved ones, that they may find comfort in God. And many churches continue to pray for that on this day every year. In our psalm for this week, David reminds us that God does answer when we call to him for help. He makes us bold to ask him for what we need.
So today, we once again offer a prayer for those who were affected by the events that happened on September 11, 2001. We pray:
Heavenly Father, you have made your name know to all people. You have given us your word for our comfort. On this day, 19 years ago, our nation called to you for help and you answered. Continue to comfort your people with the love that only you provide. Lead more people to know of your love, that they too may rest in that comfort. Bless our nation that it may defend against those who seek to wipe out your name and your people. Make us bold and stout-hearted to proclaim your name to all the world. Amen.
Our song for today is “Lift High the Cross” by The Chancel Choir, The Chapel Choir, Broadway Baptist Church and The Oratorio Chorus, Southwestern Baptist Seminary, The Festival Brass