Thursday September 10, 2020 - The Church Militant

“Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” (Revelation 7:3)

Revelation 7 is a great picture of the Church. In the first 8 verses, we see that God protects his Church militant. Until all of his servants have been marked, he does not allow the winds of destruction to blow on the earth.

In these verses, God assures us that Judgement Day will not come until every believer has been born and has come to believe in him. While we don’t know when that will be, God does and he has given us the task to spread his gospel.

Through his Word, he marks his servants as his own. His servants are the ones who believe that Jesus has died to pay for their sins. They are the ones who, like Peter, confess that Jesus is Lord. As servants of God, we bear his mark and are saved from eternal destruction. We will not face the winds of that destruction.

Go today assured that you have been saved from the winds of eternal destruction. Share that good news with the people around you. Amen

Our song for today is “Ye Servants of God” arranged by Mark Hayes

Ye Servants of God (SATB) - arr. Mark Hayes

Trinity Lutheran