Friday September 18, 2020 - A Cure for Guilt

Yes, my life is consumed by grief, and my years by groaning. My strength fails because of my guilt, and my bones grow weak. (Psalm 31:10)

Some people say that it sucks getting older. The older a person becomes, the more issues they seem to have with their body. Poor decisions made in their younger years lead to pain and regret later in life. Their strength seems to fail and they need more help from those around them. For many people, this is just the way things go.

As David grew older, it seems as though he noticed something similar. Except, he says that his strength fails not because of his age but because of his guilt. David had a lot of guilt for all the things that he had done wrong in his life. Many of those things led to dissension and distrust among his own family. Because of all this guilt, David asked the Lord to be merciful to him.

While modern technology has come a long way in being able to restore our strength when it fails, no form of technology can deal with the guilt that we face and the grief that comes from it. No matter what we try on our own to deal with our guilt, it doesn’t go away. it only saps our strength from us and makes us weak.

But there is a cure for our guilt. The cure is an ancient one, promised at the beginning of the world when Adam and Eve sinned. When the time was right, he was born on this earth. He lived a perfect life and died on a cross. On the cross, Jesus cured our guilt. He forgave our sins. He assured us that God no longer sees our sin. We have nothing to feel guilty for. We have been rescued from the things that cause us grief and guilt.

You are freed from your guilt. Be strengthened by that. Live in that strength. Amen.

Our song for today is “Nothing But the Blood Of Jesus” by Leah Mari

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus ( modern version)

Trinity Lutheran