Friday September 25, 2020 - Our Rebellion is Forgiven
How blessed is the person whose rebellion is forgiven, whose sin is covered. (Psalm 32:1)
Rebellion seems to be a phase that most people go through at some point in their lives. Usually, as children and teenagers, we seem to have a problem with other people telling us what to do. We tend to think that we know better than those who have been looking out for us and keeping us alive up to that point. Some people come to realize that the one(s) that we were rebelling against were actually the ones who were trying to keep us safe, keep us from being hurt.
We all have also rebelled against God. We have done what God has told us not to do. We have sinned. And God has told us that the wages of our sins is death. God wanted to keep us from death and yet we thought that we could do it our way. We thought that we didn’t need God telling us what to do. Instead, we thought we could do it on our own.
When David rebelled, he came to a stunning conclusion. He says How blessed is the person whose rebellion is forgiven. The person whose rebellion God has forgiven is truly blessed. The one who has come to realize that they rebelled against God, that his way is the best way, has received forgiveness from God through the blood of Jesus. There is no better blessing than to have your sins covered like that.
Praise God that he has forgiven our rebellion. Let us live according to his way, for we know that it is the only way. Amen.
Our song for today is “Psalm 32” by The Corner Room