God Gives Us Strength
Young men grow tired and become weary. Even strong men stumble and fall. But those who wait for the Lord will receive new strength. They will lift up their wings and soar like eagles. They will run and not become weary. They will walk and not become tired. (Isaiah 40:30–31)
In this life, there are limitations to what we can do. And as time goes on, those limitations change. For me, one of those changes to limitations has been in my ability to run. I loved running. Throughout high school and the first year of college, I competed in cross country running. I loved being able to run through the woods and over the hills. But as time went on, other things took priority over running. Now, I have a hard time motivating myself to run a mile.
We see these limitations in our life and we can be discouraged. It can sometimes seem like God has forgotten about us or has gotten tired of looking after us. But Isaiah reminds us that God does not grow tired of looking after us. Even though our physical bodies may fail us, God is always strengthening us in faith. Because we place our hope and our trust in the Lord, He will give us spiritual strength right up to the end of our life. And when our life is over, when he returns in glory, we will be able to run without any consequences and walk without exerting our energy. We will be made perfect. Everything will be as easy as the eagle makes soaring look. What a day that will be! Amen.
Our song for today is “I Will Rise” By Chris Tomlin