Jesus Ascended For Us
He who descended is the same one who ascended far above all the heavens, so that he might fill all things. (Ephesians 4:10)
When Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, he descended from heaven for the purpose of saving the world from sin. After Jesus completed that mission, it was time for him to take up the full use of his divine glory again. That meant that he needed to ascend into heaven again.
While Jesus was here on earth, he could be seen in one place. He took up time and space. That was according to his human nature. Humans take up time and space. You can see other human beings. But Jesus is also true God. But God is spirit. He does not take up space, and yet he is everywhere. He exists outside of time. A day is like a thousand years to him and a thousand years are like a day. He is eternal.
In order for Jesus to take up the full use of his divine glory again, he needed to be everywhere at all times. As Paul puts it, he had to fill all things. So Jesus ascended into heaven, but as he did so, he promised his disciple that he would be with them always. Jesus ascended into heaven so that he could govern all things for the good of his church, and so that he could intercede for us before God the Father. Jesus ascended into heaven for our benefit. Amen.
The song for today is “Christ High Ascended” performed by Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran Church