Joy Comes From love

“As the Father has loved me, so also I have loved you. Remain in my love. If you hold on to my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have held on to my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that my joy would continue to be in you and that your joy would be complete. (John 15:9–11)

Today is Ascension. It is the end of the Easter season in the church year. It is the day that the Christian Church celebrates Jesus’ return into heaven. While this day may have been a sad day for the disciples (as they would no longer see Jesus while they were alive on this earth), it’s a day that brings joy to believers. It assures us that our savior is still in control of all things. It reminds us of the joy that is ours and that we want to spread because of Easter.

As Jesus prepared his disciples for his crucifixion, he reminded them of the many things that he had taught them. He stressed the love that he had for them. This love that he had was meant to bring them joy. This joy was not just a happy feeling but a change in their attitude and perspective. It was a joy that lasted their whole lives. It was this same joy that Jesus sent them to spread to the whole world, as he was ascending into heaven.

That joy that Jesus gave to his disciples is the same joy that we have because of Jesus’ love. It’s the joy that moves us to love one another. We have received Jesus’ love through the forgiveness of sins bought and paid for by Jesus on the cross of Calvary. It is the love that caused the Father to send his only Son into the world to be our substitute. That’s the love that we remain in and makes us children of God. That’s the love that makes our joy complete. That complete joy that comes from God’s love sends us out into the world with a purpose. It sends us out with a message of love and joy for all people. That joy causes us to love in ways that serve our Lord and those around us. It’s a love that obeys Jesus’ command to love one another because he first loved us. It’s a love that continues to produce joy in us. Amen.

The song for today is “This Is My Will” performed by Roisin Monaghan

This Is My Will - Roisin Monaghan

Trinity Lutheran