The Shoot Of Jesse Is Here!
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. (Isaiah 11:1)
It’s finally here. Today is Christmas Eve, the day when we gather together to celebrate the birth of the Christ child.
As mankind was plunged into sin, God made a promise to Eve that her seed would crush the serpent’s head. Throughout the course of the Old Testament, God continued to make that promise to his people and reveal more about this seed.
To the prophet Isaiah God revealed that the child to be born would be from the line of Jesse. He would bear fruit from the stump of Jesse. He would be the first fruit from the dead, and he would rescue his people.
This evening, we will dive into this gift that God has given to us. We will see the fruit that this shoot of the stump of Jesse will bear. We will hear of our savior come to earth. Amen.
Join us tonight at 6:30pm for a Christmas Eve Service of Lesson and Carols.
Our song for today is “Isaiah 11” by Rain for Roots