God Gives The Gift Of the Spirit
Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? If only all of the Lord’s people were prophets so that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!” (Numbers 11:29)
When Moses felt that he was unable to lead the people of Israel on his own, he cried out to God for help. God had Moses appoint seventy elders to help him. Two of those elders did not go with Moses and the other elders to the tent of meeting, where God put his Spirit on the elders. A young man saw Eldad and Medad prophesying in the camp and ran to tell Moses. Joshua became jealous for Moses’ sake, but Moses understood that this meant that Eldad and Medad had also been chosen to help him carry out the work of leading God’s people. Moses even wished that God would make all the people prophets and put his Spirit on them, so that they could share in the Lord’s work.
God may not have made us into prophets, but he has put his Spirit on us. At our baptisms, he sent the Spirit to create faith in us. The water connected with the Word made us his child and gave us his Spirit. That Spirit convinces us that God’s Word is true. It reminds us of God’s promises and helps to share those promises with others. And so we all are able to share in the Lord’s Work, using the different gifts that God has given to us. Amen.
The song for today is “Gifts from God” by Chris Tomlin