Saturday September 5, 2020 - Blessed by God
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. (Psalm 67:1–2)
This psalm might remind you of the blessing that is said at the end of most of our services. It is the Aaronic blessing that God gave to Aaron and his sons to put God’s name on the people. Except in this case, the psalmist is asking God to bless the people. He is not speaking a blessing from God on the people.
The prayer expressed here is that God would bless the Israelites so that all the people of the world might come to know God. The blessing that was being requested was so that those outside of Israel might come to know the salvation that God gives his people.
This is our prayer too. We ask that God would bless us so that we might shine his light to all people. We ask that he would be gracious to us so that all people might see his salvation through us. And he is gracious to us. He has given us salvation. He does bless us. And one day we will see his face. When we enter glory, we will see his face and worship him.
Pray this prayer often. Ask God to bless you and be gracious to you so that others might see his salvation. Amen.
Our song for today is “May God Be Gracious and Bless Us (Psalm 67)” by Lilyfields
May God Be Gracious and Bless Us (Psalm 67)