Spiritual Food Transcends Time

They all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them—and that rock was Christ! (1 Corinthians 10:3–4)

Many people think of the Old Testament and the New Testament as being opposites to each other. They generalize by saying that the Old Testament is the law; the New Testament is the gospel. In the Old Testament, God gives his law and enforces his people to follow it; in the New Testament, God sends his Son so that we are no longer bound to the law.

But Paul shows us how untrue that is. While the Israelites of Moses’ day did not know Jesus like Paul and the first century Christians did, they were fed spiritually by the same spiritual food as Paul and the first century Christians, and as you and I are.

The law that God gave to his people through Moses was not given to set them apart from God. It was meant to point them to Christ, who was still to come. It was to point them to God’s grace and mercy in forgiving the sins of his people. The people of Israel were fed the same nourishing word of God that we are fed. But they missed it. They turned away from the God of love and relied on their own works, based on the law. Only time was supposed to separate the Israelites of Moses’ time to Paul and the apostles, and you and me, and for some it does. All the Israelites received the same spiritual food and water, but some refused to eat and drink from it, and it led them away from the God who loves us. Friends, let us eat of that spiritual bread and drink of that spiritual rock, which is Christ, and be filled by it. Amen.

The song for today is “We All Believe In One True God” performed by Koine

We All Believe in One True God - Christian Music with Lyrics

Trinity Lutheran