The Same, Not Different
So there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, because the same Lord is Lord of all, who gives generously to all who call on him. (Romans 10:12)So then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:17)
When asked, we can often come up with the differences that we have with someone else quickly and extensively. But if asked to come up with our similarities, unless we know the person well, we struggle.
This was somewhat the case for the Christians in Rome. They were focused on their differences rather than on their similarities. And Paul spends much of his letter focused on differences too, but on differences that matter. He focuses on the difference between righteousness that comes from the law (which is no righteousness at all), and a righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. When it came to who was possessed which righteousness, Paul says there is no difference. All people receive righteousness in the same way: through faith in Christ Jesus and his Word.
There are many out there who want to focus on our differences. They want to focus on skin color and race. They want to focus on gender and sexuality. They want to focus on our different classes in society. And that has its place. But in the church, we want to focus on our similarities. We want to focus on the thing that makes us one: our faith in Jesus. When we gather together at church, we are united by the one thing that matters: God’s Word. We gather together to hear the wonderful news that we all have been made righteous through faith, given by the Holy Spirit. And we gather together to all call on the same God, to ask him for forgiveness and praise him for his great love to us. Amen.
In preparation for our gathering on Sunday, today’s song is “Afflicted Saint, Draw Near To Christ”
Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near • T4G Live IV [Official Lyric Video]