Trees By The Stream
Weekly Announcements and Events
Pastor will be placing the order for new hymnals in two weeks. If you have not already signed up for a hymnal, and would like one please signup in the entry way.
There is also a sign up in the entry way for those who would like to take the Strengthfinders assessment. Please sign up so that we can ensure you receive a code for the assessment.
If you are looking for opportunities to serve, we are in need of ushers and cleaners for the next several weeks. For ushering, please sign up on the bulletin board across from Pastor’s office. For cleaning, please sign up downstairs in the kitchen.
Prayer Requests for this Week:
Ted Johnson – health issues
Sarah Sauer – health issues
Mike Knicker – health issues
Evie Schroeder – Recovering from stroke
Amy Pauers
Mel Murray – Fractured Vertebrae
Walt Zimmerman – Health Issues
Brianna (Mike and Alexis Wolosz’ granddaughter) – dealing with health issue
Bill ( a friend of Chris Taylor) – On a ventilator
Linda Fry – Pancreatic Cancer
Shawn Taylor – Having surgery on Tuesday
On Our Calendar this week
Sunday February 13
9:30 am – Worship
11 am – Sunday School
Tuesday February 15
10 am – BIC
Wednesday February 16
4:30 pm – Confirmation
Sunday February 20
9:30 am – Worship
11 am –Sunday School
But blessed is anyone who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by water. It sends out its roots to the stream. It does not fear the heat when it comes. Its leaves will remain green. It is not concerned about a time of drought. It does not stop producing fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7–8)
I have aquariums in my office at church. And on top of those aquariums are plants. The plants grow their roots in the water and their leaves out of the water. I don’t need to worry about watering these plants. They have plenty of water and nutrients. The plants outside the church, on the other hand, during the hot months of summer constantly need to be watered. When they aren’t watered, they try up and turn brown.
Through the prophet Jeremiah, God reminds us that we are like plants, or more specifically like trees. If we put our trust in our own strength or in the strength of other human beings, then we are like a tree with shallow roots that isn’t able to reach the water and find nourishment when the heat comes. But this is how we are by nature. We want to place our trust in the tangible, in human beings that we think can help us and can change our situation.
But when we place our trust in the Lord, have confidence in him, God tells us that we are like a tree planted by a stream. We are like the plants on top of my aquariums. When we face danger, trials, or persecution, we do not have to be afraid because we are connected to the one who nourishes us as the living water. When we face the heat, we still have a source of nourishment that allows us to continue to produce fruit and remain green. Let us continue to be like the tree by the stream or the plant in the aquarium. We can produce fruit, even in the heat. Amen.
The song for today is “Thrive” by Casting Crowns