The Seed of Jesse's Tree - Preview

I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will crush his heel. (Genesis 3:15)

Tonight we will begin our midweek advent series, “Jesse Tree.” As any plant begins with a seed, we too will begin by looking at the seed of Jesse’s Tree.

You probably know the story of the fall into sin. The serpent tempted Eve to eat from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve ate from it and also gave some to Adam. At that moment, they knew they were naked and they hid from God.

God told them what the consequences for their sin would be. Life would be difficult for them and they would experience grief and death. Sin would now be a part of the life of every human being. The Earth would experience the effects of sin too. And then he turned the serpent. He told the serpent that he would crawl on his belly and eat dust.

But more importantly, God spoke to Satan and announced that there would be hostility between Satan and Eve, the seed of Satan and one who would come from Eve, a seed. This seed would crush Satan’s head, and Satan would crush his heel. This seed was Jesus. Satan crushed his heel on the cross, and on that same cross, Jesus crushed Satan’s head. Satan’s power was destroyed so that we would not die but live eternally. Amen.

Join us tonight at 6:30 pm to hear more about this seed of Jesse’s Tree. There will NOT be a meal before the service. However, if travel does not allow adequate time to eat at home, please feel free to bring food for your family and eat in the Fellowship Hall.

Our song for today is “All Mankind Fell in Adam's Fall” by Branches Band

All Mankind Fell in Adam's Fall

Trinity Lutheran