Thursday October 8, 2020 - Don't Be Envious of God's Generousity
Can’t I do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ (Matthew 20:15)
Life’s not always fair. And when it isn’t working in our favor, we want to complain about it. We feel that because it wasn’t fair or even in our favor, we have been terribly wronged. We look for ways to make it fair or complain to someone who can make it go in our favor. We always want to be on top, because the lowest person always receives the worst of everything. We don’t want that.
In the parable Jesus told, the landowner wasn’t fair to his workers. He paid them all the same amount even though some had only worked for about one hour and others had worked all day. When those who worked all day saw that they received the same pay as those who only worked for one hour, they complained that it wasn’t fair. One of them even complained to the landowner. The landowner was not happy that the workers were questioning his generosity.
When we complain about how life isn’t fair, we complain about God’s generosity. When we judge someone as being hopeless because of the sins they’ve committed, we complain about God’s mercy. When we expect more rewards from God for our good works, we forsake God’s grace and turn salvation into a reward we must earn. God can and does do what he wants with his grace and his mercy. He chooses to give us all his grace and mercy equally.
Thanks be to God that he gives us his grace and mercy. Let’s show that grace and mercy to all people. Amen
Our song for today is “His Mercy is More” by Matt Boswell, Matt Papa
His Mercy Is More (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty