Tuesday October 6, 2020 - God Has Mercy on Each of Us
When God saw their actions, that they had turned from their evil way, God relented from the disaster which he said he would bring on them, and he did not carry it out. (Jonah 3:10)
Jonah thought it wasn’t fair that the Ninevites were not going to be destroyed. Here was God’s chance to wipe out the enemies of his people, Israel. But God didn’t want to wipe out the Ninevites. He wanted them to turn to him. And that was what they did.
God said the wages of sin is death. And we have sinned. But God does not want us to die. He wants us to turn to him also. He wants us to repent of our sins so that we are saved. When we repent, God has promised us that he does not send on us the destruction that we deserved. He does not punish us for our sin.
But somebody has to take that punishment. Since God has said that sin is serious, it has consequences, he doesn’t just forget about our sin. Our sin still had to be punished. God sent Jesus to take that punishment. The destruction that was meant for us was put on Jesus. The disaster that God had said he would send on the Ninevites was put on Jesus instead. All of the disaster and destruction meant for all who sin was put on Jesus on the cross. He bore it for us. That’s God’s grace and mercy.
Thank God that he does not send the disaster and destruction that our sins deserved. Amen.
Our song for today is “What Mercy Did For Me” by People & Songs
What Mercy Did For Me [feat. Crystal Yates Micah Tyler Joshua Sherman]