Wednesday November 4, 2020 - What Great Love!
See the kind of love the Father has given us that we should be called children of God, and that is what we are! The world does not know us, because it did not know him. (1 John 3:1)
John’s first letter could be summed up in one word: Love! He describes what love looks like. For us, it means no more sinning. We have been washed of sin. From Jesus, love is his arms stretched out on a cross for us. The Father’s love for us is that he calls us his children. He makes us his own, even when we did not deserve it.
Because we are children of God, we are not like the world. The world lives in sin. It does not know righteousness before God. It still lives in sin. But we no longer live in sin. We live covered in Jesus’ blood. We have been purified through Jesus’ sacrifice. Therefore, the world does not truly know us. They do not understand our ways. They do not understand our hope and our love towards one another. They do not understand what it is to be a sinner and a saint at the same time. They do not know us because they do not know God.
Therefore, we continue to show them what it means to be a child of God. We show them what it means to be a sinner- saint. We tell them about God’s great love. Amen.
Our song for today is “ See what Great Love” sung by Debra Bakken, published by Northwestern Publishing House.