Wednesday September 9, 2020 - Who God Is

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.” (Exodus 34:6–7)

After Moses had smashed the first stone tablets with the Ten Commandments on them, God had Moses make a second set of stone tablets. Before God gave Moses the words that he was to write down on the tablets, he declared his name to Moses as he passed in front of Moses. God reminded Moses of his love and faithfulness, and also his justice and righteousness.

The same God that passed in front of Moses is the God who deals with us. He is the God who is gracious to us and forgives our sins. He is the God who loves us and forgives our rebellion and sin. He is the God of good and faithful love, who goes with us everywhere we go.

He is also the God who does not let a single sin go unpunished. He takes sin seriously. In fact, he takes sin so seriously that the children and grandchildren inherit the guilt of the father. All that sin and guilt adds up, since each one of us has our own sins to deal with as well. That’s why God punished Jesus for our sins. He took on the sins of the fathers, all the way back to Adam and Eve. He also took on the sins of the future generations, right up to Judgement Day. He was punished for every sin committed at every time and in every place. There is not a single sin that Jesus was not punished for.

Go about your day today, knowing that you have a Father who loves you and has taken care of your sin. Proclaim his name to others that they too may know his love. Amen.

Our song for today is “ The Lord Is Gracious and Compassionate” by Vineyard Worship

The Lord Is Gracious And Compassionate - Vineyard Worship

Trinity Lutheran