We Have Seen Our Salvation
Lord, you now dismiss your servant in peace, according to your word, because my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared before the face of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel. (Luke 2:29–32)
Simeon had a promise from God that he would not die before he was able to see Jesus. As he held the baby Jesus in the temple, he spoke these words about Jesus. He knew that Jesus would be special. He realized that Jesus would not just bring salvation to the Jews but to all people. He knew that the good news would not just stay with the Jews but would be revealed to the Gentiles as well.
We use these words of Simeon after communion, for in the Lord’s Supper we once again receive Christ’s body and blood shed for our salvation. In the bread and wine, we are given the forgiveness of sins and assured of our salvation. Like Simeon, we confess that our eyes have seen God’s salvation for all people.
In the baby born in Bethlehem, we see God become man to save us. He is our salvation. He is our light. Because of that, we have peace with God and can live in peace with one another. Let us focus on what we have in common, salvation through the Christ child, rather than on what makes us different. Amen
Our song for today is “ SImeon’s Song” by Mary Rice Hopkins