A Day to Remember
No one has greater love than this: that someone lays down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)
Today we have the privilege of remembering those who gave their all, who were willing to sacrifice everything for their country. In the US, we recognize those who served their country faithfully and those who are currently serving in the military. We thank them for being willing to give up everything, including their lives if it came to that, to protect their country and bring peace to other countries. We also remember those who gave up their life for those same things. We remember their great sacrifice.
As we remember those who were willing and those who did give up their lives for our protection and for peace, we can’t forget the one who gave up his life for our eternal protection and peace. As we remember our veterans and current military personnel, we also remember Jesus who laid down his life to pay for our sins. He gave us peace with God and an eternity in heaven.
Today, we thank God for sending his Son, Jesus, and we thank our veterans and soldiers for being willing to lay down their lives, not only for their friends but for complete strangers too. Amen.
Our song for today is “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” by Concordia Publishing House