The Bridegroom is Coming!
Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. (Matthew 25:13)
As Jesus told his disciple the signs for the end times, he warned them to keep watch. He compared it to something they were familiar with: A bridegroom coming. Ten young women, virgins, kept watch for the bridegroom. They were waiting for the bridegroom to come and take his bride to be his wife. They were supposed to be prepared with oil in their lamps. Five of the virgins were prepared, but five were not.
Jesus uses this to illustrate the way things will be on the Last Day. When he, the bridegroom, returns to take his bride, the Church, to be with him, we are to be ready. We are to keep watch because we do not know when he will return to take us to be with him in eternity. We prepare for that day by having faith. Faith in Jesus is the only thing that he will look for on that day. Therefore, we continue to prepare by studying God’s Word. We continue to ask God to strengthen our faith. We trust his promises, that he has redeemed us and made us his children. And we tell others to be prepared as well. We share God’s Word with them as well.
As we wait for the Lord to return, to take us to be with him in eternity, let us keep watch and be prepared. Amen.
Our song for today is “Keep Your Lamps!” arranged by André Thomas