Psalm 2020!

Let your deeds be seen by your servants and your majesty by their children. (Psalm 90:16)

In many ways, Psalm 90 could be used to describe 2020. The first half of the psalm is focused on all the terrible things that happen in our lives. It talks about how fragile life is. We are like grass and flowers that last only a little while. And all our days are filled with guilt over our sins, and fear of God’s wrath. We can hide nothing from God.

Yet, in the second half of the psalm, Moses pleads with God to turn from his anger and show his people his mercy and majesty. He asks God to show kindness to us and to establish the work of our hands for us. He trusts that God will be merciful to us and will give us joy.

2020 has been a year of affliction and trouble. It has led many people to ponder their mortality. Many people have begun to realize that they could die any day and face their Maker, and they aren’t ready for that. And no one has gone unaffected. But as Christians, we still rejoice. We still can wake up every morning and be glad because we have seen the deeds of the Lord. We know that God is in control and that no matter what happens, it happens to God’s glory.

We have been shown God’s mercy, on the cross where Jesus took our sins on himself. We have seen God’s grace and his majesty. And we will continue to show them to our children, until the day when God returns to take us to be in glory with him. Amen.

Our song for today is “Psalm 90” by New Era Acappella Music Ministry

New Era -PSALM 90

Trinity Lutheran