Resurrection Means Keeping Watch

Meanwhile, since holiness has begun and is growing daily, we await the time when our flesh will be put to death, will be buried with all its uncleanness, and will come forth gloriously and arise to complete and perfect holiness in a new, eternal life. Now we are only halfway pure and holy. The Holy Spirit must continue to work in us through the Word, daily granting forgiveness until we attain to that life where there will be no more forgiveness. In that life are only perfectly pure and holy people, full of goodness and righteousness, completely freed from sin, death, and all evil, living in new, immortal and glorified bodies. (Large Catechism, II, par. 57-58)

Luther wrote these words in connection with his explanation to the third article. When we confess that we believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting, we are confessing that we believe that on the Last Day, Jesus will raise us, along with all the dead, and give us and all believers eternal life. However, until that happens, the Holy Spirit continues and must continue to work in us to grant forgiveness through the Word. Daily, he must work in me to keep me watchful for that day when I will be purified forever.

Let us continue to pray that the Spirit would grant us forgiveness until that day when we no longer need daily forgiveness. Amen.

Our song for today is “Chief of Sinners Though I Be” by Koine

Chief of Sinners Though I Be

Trinity Lutheran