Saturday August 29, 2020

When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny. (Psalm 73:16–17)

When Asaph looked around him at what was going on, it seemed as though the rich became richer and the poor became poorer. Those who were evil seemed to prosper the most. Their shady dealings allowed them to become richer and more arrogant. When he tried to understand why all of this was happening, it made no sense and h felt oppressed. That was until he entered the sanctuary of God. There he heard what God’s plan was for the wicked. He says he understood their final destiny.

Sometimes when we look around us, we can be tempted to ask why. Why do things happen the way they do? Why do bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people? Why can’t that happen to me? Like Asaph, when we try to understand it on our own, it confuses us.

But when we go to church, when we read God’s Word, we find what God’s plan is. We hear what will happen to the wicked. We also hear that our sins are forgiven. We are good not because of us but because of Jesus. In his word, God tell us that everyone who does evil deserves hell. He also tells us that those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven.

As you try to understand the things that are going on around you, look to God’s Word and see what God has detined for each person.

Our song for today is “Let Thoughtless Thousands Choose the Road” recorded by Good Shepher Lutheran Church Tuscon.

Trinity Lutheran