The Light of the World has Come
There was a man, sent from God, whose name was John. He came as an eyewitness to testify about the light so that everyone would believe through him. He was not the light, but he came to testify about the light. (John 1:6–8)
From the moment that John was conceived, he was given a purpose. He was to be the last prophet to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom of God. He was the one who was sent to prepare the way for the savior.
John was sent by God to live in the wilderness and eat locust and honey. He wore camel’s hair. He stood out. He was not like other people. And he attracted people to come and listen to him.
John pointed people to the light of the world. He pointed them to the one who was to come after him. John pointed the people to Jesus. He prepared the people for Jesus’ coming. He was an eyewitness to who Jesus truly is, not just at his baptism but throughout his life. When Mary went to tell her cousin, Elizabeth, that she (Mary) would be the mother of the savior, John lept in his mother’s whom because he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
We don’t have to dress funny or eat weird things or live in the wilderness, but we have also been called to testify to the light. We have been called by God through our baptism to be witnesses to the light. We have been given a purpose: to testify that Jesus is the Christ, the light of the world. We do that by reflecting His love to a dark and lost world. Let us continue to reflect the Light of the World to this dreary world. Amen.
Our song for today is “Light of the World” By Lauren Daigle