The Psalm for Old Age

My lips will shout with joy when I make music to you. Even my soul, which you have redeemed, will shout. (Psalm 71:23)

It can feel like there is never a good time to praise God and trust in him. When we are young, it seems like we don’t know enough. When we are in our youth, we are busy trying to figure out who and what we want to be. We are trying to figure out how to function in the adult world. When we are middle aged, we become too busy doing daily things. There is always work to do somewhere. And when we are old and retired, it becomes tiring to do anything. We’ve worked hard all our lives, now we want to rest, to enjoy the things that we worked so hard for.

But the Psalm writer points out to us that at any and every part of our lives, God is with us and he is our refuge. He brings us joy. He sent his light into the world to take our sin and guilt away and replace it with true joy.

We can always praise God for all that he does for us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Even after death, God takes care of us. When he returns, he will bring us up out of the depths of the earth. Our God is always our refuge. Let us proclaim his righteousness and praise his name continually. Amen.

Our song for today is “Psalm 71” by Andrea K Rogers

Psalm 71

Trinity Lutheran