THE Prophet Comes!
I will raise up a prophet for them from among their brothers, like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them everything that I command him. (Deuteronomy 18:18)
At Mount Horeb, God spoke directly to the people of Israel. But when the people heard the voice of the Lord, they were terrified. They thought that they were going to die because the holy God was talking to them who were sinful. They asked Moses to be their intercessor, the one who would talk to God on their behalf. Moses did that many times. But Moses wouldn’t live forever, so other prophets were needed to take his place.
God also promised Moses that he would send a prophet who was as great as Moses. This prophet would be THE prophet. He would be the greatest of all prophets. He would speak the very Word of God to the people. That prophet was Jesus. Jesus would come from God and speak God’s Word to the people. He would tell the people what God commanded him to.
Jesus spoke God’s Word and taught the people so that we too might have the Word of God. He spoke the words of forgiveness and life. He taught the people that God wanted them to be reconciled to him. And Jesus was the one who was doing that. He was going to the cross to pay for all sins of all time. He went to the cross so that we might be reconciled to God. And now he send out others to proclaim his Word. They bring with them God’s message of sin and grace. And we do well to listen to it. Amen.
Our song for today is “ Word of God Speak” by MercyMe