Thursday October 1, 2020 - Forgive As You've Been Forgiven

Should you not have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had mercy on you?’ (Matthew 18:33)

The unmerciful servant had been forgiven a great debt. Yet when his fellow servant begged him to forgive his debt, he refused. When his master found out, this was the question he asked the servant. It is a logical question to ask. It was only right that the servant should forgive his fellow servant, and treat him the same way that he had been treated.

Jesus told this parable in connection with his discussion about forgiving the sins of others. When we look at how God has forgiven all of our sins, a debt that we could never repay, shouldn’t we forgive those who sin against us? As it was only right that the first servant should have had mercy on the second servant, so it is only right that we should forgive those who sin against us. And yet, we sometimes find it so hard to forgive others.

When we find it hard to forgive others, we can look to God’s grace and mercy. We can look at the debt that God has forgiven for us. We can see what it cost him, his Son. Our sins were forgiven when Jesus died on the cross. That can help us to see that we can forgive others when they sin against us.

When you find it hard to forgive others, look to God’s grace and mercy. See how he has forgiven you for all your sins. Be strengthened to forgive others through it. Amen.

Our song for today is “Forgiven” by Sovereign Grace Music

Forgiven [Official Lyric Video]

Trinity Lutheran