Wednesday September 30, 2020 - Live As Children of God
Instead, be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ has forgiven us. (Ephesians 4:32)
Paul writes this to people who had been instructed in Christianity for a while. They were not strangers to Christian living. Paul was reminding them of what it meant to live as Christians. These Gentiles were different than the rest of their people. Because of the gospel which was shared with them, they lived lives that were not like the people around them.
Living as Christians means that we stick out to the world. We don’t talk like the world talks. We don’t act as the world acts. We don’t seek revenge when someone wrongs us. Instead, we are compassionate and forgiving. We forgive because we have been forgiven.
God has forgiven us through Christ Jesus. Through Jesus’ perfect life and death on the cross, our sins have been taken away. Our sins no longer have a grip on us. No longer do worry God about seeking revenge on us for all the wrong that we have done to him. Because of that, we pass that peace on to others. We forgive them because we have been shown forgiveness.
Live your life guided by the forgiveness that you have received. Be kind and compassionate to everyone because God has been compassionate to you. Amen.
Our song for today is “Forgiveness” by Matthew West