Thursday September 3, 2020 - Forgiveness for All People
When we heard of it, our hearts sank and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. (Joshua 2:11)
As the Israelites set out to take possession of the promised land, they sent spies to search out Jericho. These spies came across Rahab. Rahab helped out the spies and eventually became a member in the line of the savior. She is the one who spoke the words in our verse for today.
Even though Rahab wasn’t an Israelite, she still trusted in the God of the Israelites. She knew that she had forgiveness for the wrongs that she had done because of who God is.
Sometimes it feels like God could never forgive us for the wrong that we’ve done. We punish ourselves by telling ourself that what we did is not forgivable. Or we look at what others have done and we think that there is no point in telling them about the savior because they don’t deserve to be forgiven.
Yet, as we learn from Rahab, God gives his forgiveness to all people. He gave forgiveness to Rahab. He gives forgiveness to you. He gave forgiveness to the whole world, full of filthy sinners. There is no sin that Jesus hasn’t paid for.
When you think that there is something that you or someone else has done that can’t be forgiven, look to God’s unfailing love. See the forgiveness won for all people. Observe the forgives that he has given to you. Amen.
Our song for today is “Forgiveness” by Matthew West